Braided Health’s Solutions

uniquely integrate predictive analytics with impactful, holistic service pathways designed specifically for Duals members. By lowering costs, elevating service quality, and improving health outcomes, we empower MCOs to make the most of their HCBS spending. 

Our approach ensures that resources are strategically allocated, going beyond just personal care services to address the diverse and unique needs of every member, driving meaningful impact and sustainable success

By integrating a human-in-the-loop model, we continuously refine our machine learning algorithms, allowing our solutions to get smarter and more effective over time.

uniquely integrate predictive analytics with impactful, holistic service pathways designed specifically for Duals members. By lowering costs, elevating service quality, and improving health outcomes, we empower MCOs to make the most of their HCBS spending. 

Our approach ensures that resources are strategically allocated, going beyond just personal care services to address the diverse and unique needs of every member, driving meaningful impact and sustainable success

By integrating a human-in-the-loop model, we continuously refine our machine learning algorithms, allowing our solutions to get smarter and more effective over time.

By analyzing varied sources of data, which would otherwise remain siloed, Braided provides a holistic view of each member.

Benchmark Data Sources

Benchmark Data Sources

TMSIS Medicaid Data
Medicare Data
Census, Block Data
Validated Risk Indices

Customer Data Sources

Customer Data Sources

Health Related Data
Cost Drivers
Electronic Visit Verification
Our Analyses Identify Inefficiencies and predict future care demands, which allow for precise resource allocation. Braided’s analyses are based on both national and local market benchmark data as well as population-level customer data.
Braided Tailors Insights for Optimized Care
and leverages health plans’ historical data to target insights for specific populations

Members w/ inefficient medical & HCBS Utilization

Identifies members with inefficient medical and HCBS utilization to create optimized care plans that reduce costs


Members needing HCBS in the future

Detects members at risk of needing nursing facility care soon, enabling proactive interventions


Members newly eligible for HCBS

Pinpoints members that newly meet nursing facility level of care (NF LOC) and recommends optimal service plans

Our analytics uncover population-level trends and the optimal service mix for HCBS. Data from the analytics and
care management are fed back into the algorithm in order to continuously improve the model and intervene earlier
with rising risk populations.

Braided Designs HCBS Care Pathways that meet the unique needs, values, and preferences of each member. Our platform streamlines care team workflows, guiding them to evidence-based, person-centered care plans. 

We address the diverse needs of the Duals population by offering a broader range of HCBS interventions beyond personal care services. This includes national relationships with HCBS providers.
Our Care Pathways target members who have more
prevalent chronic comorbidities for value-driving interventions.

Patterns allow us to
systematically & efficiently
create evidence based,
person centered care plans

Braided leverages a broad set of HCBS interventions
depending on the unique needs of a particular member.

Braided leverages a broad set of HCBS interventions
depending on the unique needs of a particular member.

Keep members safe & fall free in own homes Pathway Actions Assessment & Evaluation Education & Training Durable Medical Equipment Personal Care Assistance Exercise & Nutrition Home Modifications Community Referrals
Pathway Actions Keep members safe & fall free in own homes Assessment & Evaluation Education & Training Durable Medical Equipment Personal Care Assistance Exercise & Nutrition Home Modifications Community Referrals
Braided Designs HCBS Care Pathways to deploy an operating model that meets their particular needs, using the MCO’s resources, Braided’s team or both. Braided also embeds a local market team to partner with HCBS agency providers, hospitals, and CBOs in the delivery system to foster connections, streamline referrals, and respond to local needs.



Physical Therapist

Occupational Therapist


Behavioral Health

LTSS Coordinator

Registered Nurse

Care Coordinator


Braided Gauges Quality in Two Key Dimensions


Braided’s Quality Measure Set (BQMS) is built based on nationally validated quality measures. In alignment with CMS, BQMS is used to improve outcomes in 3 key domains


Braided’s HCBS Risk Score (BHRS)
stratifies members into low, medium, high and very high risk categories.

Access to Resources

Member and family are aware of and able to access all available resources that support overall well-being.

Integrate with Community

Ensure self-determination, independence, empowerment, and full inclusion of members with disabilities and older adults in all parts of society.

Balance of Service & Spend

Achieve a more equitable balance between spending and utilization in home and community-based settings relative to institutional care.


Braided’s HCBS Risk Score (BHRS)
stratifies members into low, medium, high and very high risk categories.

By combining indicators into a single HCBS risk score, care teams gain greater insight into complex needs of the Duals population, rather than relying on traditional risk scores, and manage resources more appropriately. We then measure impact at a risk-category level to continuously track efficacy, improve our interventions and, ultimately, discern greater value. 

Braided Capabilities Drive
Care Team Actions

Assessment Member Segmentation Quality Improvement Machine Learning AI HCBS specific assessments including SDoH and fall risk Braided algo uses medical & HCBS data to segment members, design care pathways Tailored quality measure set & HCBS provider network management Continuous learning model Predictive Modeling & Analytics Care Planning Ongoing Care Management Evidence-base recommen- dations at member and population level Highly-engaging CHW with interdisciplinary care team engage & support member Improved HCBS network evaluation & HCBS provider engagement